Tag: Christianity (Page 4 of 9)

The President, Jesus and Our Allegiance

I am concerned about us. Not as a country. America will keep trucking along its progressive path as it always has. I am concerned about us as a church, as a body under the headship of Jesus. We are becoming increasingly divided. Of course division within the Church is not a new thing. I am fully aware of the many splits and the reasons for them, throughout our church history. I am familiar with why so many denominations exist. However, none of that changes the amount of distance this past political season has added to the divide.

Christian or Patriot

For over a year, leading up to the election this past November, I have seen and heard so many people equate being patriotic with being a “good” Christian. In fact, it is not simply the view that Christianity is the same as patriotism; it is carelessly viewed as a political issue on the same level as gun rights. Here are a couple of examples of some memes that list Christianity among other political or social issues…


Christianity shows up right in the middle of a list involving patriotism and guns. Here is another one…


Again, Christian shows up right in the middle of an obviously politically charged list of issues. And it is presented in a blatantly divisive and excluding way. Not only is it polarizing, but it also suggests that a Christian cannot possibly hold liberal views. The inference is that a Christian has to be a gun-loving, conservative who runs around saying ‘merica. It rejects the possibility of any other view and alienates entire parts of the body of Christ. To be fair, there are many Christians who would view themselves as liberals also contribute to this division and alienation. Unfortunately, it is the conservative side (typically White Evangelicals) who are often more verbal about the supposed marriage between American nationalism, or patriotism, and Christianity.

I did look for memes that expressed a liberal view of Christianity as American, but they almost do not exist. The best I could do was this one, which suggests conservatism is not consistent with Christianity.


Allegiance to Christ

My issue has nothing to do with whom you support as the president; support whomever you feel aligns best with your values. Moreover, if you are a Christian, God commands us to pray for the president regardless of your political leaning. Nevertheless, the truth is, Christianity is not synonymous with American patriotism. You can be a Christian fully apart from being an American. The reverse is also true. Still, the depth of your love for your country is not a measure for being a good Christian. Somehow, that continues to grow as the qualifier.

My concern is it seems many on both sides have forgotten the others are Christian. Maybe it is less of having forgotten, and more of a rejection of the possibility. And why? Because they have different political views? With increasing frequency, it seems as if Christians believe their commitment to a political candidate, or in this case a president, is allowed to trump ( see what I did there?) their commitment to fellow Christians. As Christians, when our allegiance to a political party, candidate, or president eclipses our allegiance to other believers, then by proxy it also eclipses our allegiance to Christ. The Apostle John says the same thing in 1 John 4:20. He said, “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” When that happens, we need to consider what we believe about unity and our allegiances.

Biblical Unity

So what does the Bible have to say about our allegiance and unity? A lot. The first commandment (Exodus 30:3) points specifically to our allegiance to God. It is clear that we should set nothing before God. From that foundation, the rest of the bible points toward full devotion to God and absolute unity among His people, both through Christ. In fact, the New Commandment Jesus gave to His disciples, and us, was to love each other so that the world would know we are His (John 13:34-35). The whole chapter of John 15 consists of Jesus explaining the importance of remaining in Him (commitment and allegiance). He goes on to describe how much the world will hate us because of Him and how unity, through loving each other, keeps us connected to Him.

In the end, following Christ requires that we be good citizens, but does not direct us to be patriots. Our real allegiance is not to the President, a flag, or even a country. Our real allegiance is to Jesus and His bride. We have to understand that His desire is unity among his body, not unity with the world. So go ahead and support the President, pledge the flag, be patriotic for your country, but know it is just a shadow of what our allegiance to Jesus and His body should look like.

Are We Allowed to Doubt God?

doubtThe Dialogue of Doubt

We doubt. We question. We struggle to trust. It began in the Garden. The serpent led Eve to doubt God. Perhaps doubt existed before the fall because it is what led to it. Doubt is part of our nature. Maybe it is part of free will; our ability to choose what we believe and who we trust? Even God is not immune to our doubt.

I’ve had seasons of doubt. Long ones. I’ve questioned God. What was He doing? Why was I suffering, and why did He allow certain things to happen? Did He hear my prayers? And if He heard my prayers, why was He ignoring them? I’ve known many people who have walked through similar seasons. My friends, my wife, my family, pastors, and ministry leaders have all struggled with doubt. When we begin to doubt, we are quick to believe that our doubt is unbiblical. This leads to guilt and more doubt.

Part of this increase in doubt is prompted by the abundance of Christian clichés that are flung at us (and by us) in well-meaning moments. While some of these clichés may be biblically true, they are generally spoken when we don’t know what else to say about your struggle. And we find ourselves at a loss on how to speak to your doubt. Because we may doubt also.

Comments like “God has a plan,” “Everything happens for a reason,” “If God brings you to it, He’ll see you through it,” “When God closes one door, He opens another,” “Just give it to Jesus,” “God won’t give you more than you can handle,” and the list goes on. If you say these things, stop it. Seriously, some of these comments are not even supported by Scripture. All of these sayings only add to the anxiety and guilt of doubting a God that most of us already know to be a good God.

So, are we allowed to doubt God? I will remind you of the story of the disciple Thomas who told the other disciples that he would not believe that Jesus was alive unless he saw Him with his own eyes. He did see and he did believe. Be encouraged, Thomas spent three years with Jesus and still struggled with doubt. So the simple answer is, yes you can doubt and it will not disqualify you as a follower of Jesus.

Believer’s Doubt

But a better story, one that distinguishes between our different types of unbelief and doubt takes place in Mark 9. In this story a man comes to Jesus and asks Him to heal his demon-afflicted son after Jesus’ disciples are not able. The man tells Jesus that the affliction is so bad that the evil spirits routinely throw his son into water and fire in an attempt to destroy him. In coming to Jesus this father says, “But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” To which Jesus answered, “‘If you can! All things are possible for one who believes.” Then the father makes a declaration that screams to our soul and rips through the heart of the matter. He cries out, “I believe; help my unbelief!”

It is in this father’s cry to God where many of us hear our own. We find a brother who believes and knows that Jesus is the One who can meet our deepest needs. It is his belief that brings him to Jesus. In the same cry we see his doubt that his son can be healed, even though he believes Who Jesus is. Like many of us, he struggles with his knowledge of who Jesus is and the truth of his son’s affliction.

Belief is the Victor

Undoubtedly he witnessed Jesus and His disciples healing others. This firsthand, or potentially secondhand, knowledge of Jesus’ ability had sunk deep enough into his heart that he was drawn to Jesus. Standing in front of the One that heals, his belief in Jesus ran hard into the wall of truth that was his son’s life-long illness. Belief met unbelief – and belief was the victor.

His unbelief didn’t keep him from Jesus. His inability to know for sure if his son would receive relief did not keep the man from asking Jesus to heal his son. He still approached Jesus, still asked, and still hoped in Him. Not only did he trust Jesus to deal with his son’s affliction of evil spirits, he asked Jesus to deal with his own affliction of unbelief. Jesus obliged both requests.

Two things I want to clarify.

Asking Jesus to do something doesn’t warrant it being done. For reasons beyond all of us, the answer may be “no.” An answer of “no” does not change who He is. We don’t follow Jesus for the things He can do for us, we follow Him to be close to Him.

Our belief in God and our struggle with doubting His active participation in our life are two separate things. Our struggles and questions of circumstance-based doubt does not signal our rejection of who Jesus is or God’s goodness. We can fully rest in our knowledge of Who He is and still ask all of our where, when, how and why questions. We can still struggle with feelings of doubt and know He still is in control. Doubt in dire circumstance does not disqualify us from anything in His Kingdom, especially following Him. God knows our weakness. He knows our propensity to doubt and struggle with unbelief. He knows our heart.

I encourage you that while we all experience doubt and unbelief, we should, in the midst of our weakness say: “I believe; help my unbelief!”

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American Christianity and Syrian Refugees

The attacks in Paris last week have brought the topic of Syrian refugees back to the forefront. My FB and Twitter feeds are clogged with views and opinions from both sides about how we should handle these people with no home to go back to. I’m not surprised at some of the responses. I knew many people would brand the majority of the refugees as “threats to our national security.”

What I am surprised at is the disparity I see between the way that many Christians have responded as opposed how the more “liberally” minded American has. I’m not talking about what the Republican candidates are pitching as their potential policy; they’re just going to say the opposite of whatever the Democrat candidates say. And, I really can’t take a lot of what Trump says seriously any way; maybe it’s the hair.

What I’m talking about is that fact that most of the people I know (and those I see throughout various media outlets), that would be branded “liberal,” are in favor of helping and welcoming them, while I see so many Christians talking more about our need to protect ourselves from those refugees that may potentially be ISIS members.

And there in lies the problem. So many Americans have confused being American with following Christ. American Christianity holds up the 2nd Amendment and the American flag; Christianity holds up Christ. American Christianity is content with going to church on Sunday; Christianity is compelled to go to the needy. American Christianity trusts in the government to protect us; Christianity depends on God for strength in weakness. American Christianity demands the government legislate civil morality; Christianity trusts in the love of Christ to transform hearts.

We sit in our secure neighborhoods, in our safe homes and watch in horrified outrage while ISIS beheads Christians on a beach. We take to social media and call for their destruction and talk about the need to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. Then, we get outraged and scream persecution because of a red cup or because someone says “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas.” We’re more concerned with “keeping Christ in Christmas” than we are in revealing Christ in us.

We’ve let fear grip us and because of that we speak of refusing to allow those in deep need, refuge. We support Trump when he says, “they’re going back.” We threaten them with our ability to enact our 2nd amendment rights. And we make them all enemies of the state. Maybe it’s just me, but it all just feels wrong. The Christianity of the Bible looks a lot different than the Christianity I see on social media.

To be honest I don’t see anywhere in the Bible where Jesus talks about the importance of our safety. What I do see is Jesus, who knew the hearts of those who would plot against Him (better than they did), going to the cross for them. I see Him allowing every single one of His Apostles (sans John) to be murdered for the sake of the Gospel. I see Paul acknowledging that everywhere he was called to minister the Holy Spirit warned him that in every city imprisonment and afflictions awaited him; he still went. I see Stephen, being stoned to death, keeping his eyes on Jesus while asking God not to hold his murders’ sin against them. I see Jesus telling us that the world will hate us on account of Him and that they hated Him first. And I see Him promising that in this world we will have trials and tribulation, but promised that He has overcome the world. I don’t see “have concern for your safety.”

There doesn’t seem to be a caveat to the command to love your neighbor as yourself. Or to Jesus telling us to that what ever we did for the least we did for Him. I don’t see an exception to Jesus compassion or a penchant for just serving the “good” Jews. In fact, the one person that Jesus notes as having faith unlike any He’s ever seen and heals a servant for is a Roman officer; the Jews’ enemy, His enemy. The Christianity of the Bible looks a lot different than the Christianity I see on Facebook.

The truth is, there is no American Christianity. It doesn’t exist. We don’t get to add anything to what Jesus said His followers would look like. Maybe we call it Americanity, but it isn’t Christianity. Christianity “loves their enemy and prays for those that persecute them.” Christianity “does justice, loves kindness, and walks humbly with God.

I’m not suggesting that God doesn’t care for our wellbeing, I know God cares for us, but people are trying to divorce that from God’s deeper love for the world and all humanity. God cares for our safety, but not more than He desires all to be saved. His concern for us is a result of His love for us. God loves the Syrian refugees and our only response, as Christians, should be to extend love, justice, and compassion to them. 

You can click HERE is you’re interested in groups that are helping.

Jordan Refugee is another amazing organization doing some great work to aid and support Syrians in Jordan.

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