Tag: brucepagano.com

Fin (v): The Whole Man’s End


All good things must come to fin… or the end.

Bruce: This is the end… my friend. But even more so, a very exciting beginning!

It has been one year since I launched The Whole Man blog. During this past year, I have learned a lot. My writing and focus have improved dramatically, mostly thanks to my copy editor and coach, Isabelle. Isabelle, you are phenomenal, and I have grown so much as a writer under your tutelage. Just a quick note on Isabelle’s commitment over the last year. She was one of the first people to read and comment on my first post.

After I had posted it, she messaged me and said that she loved it. She found a couple of grammatical issues, but overall it was a great piece. I told her that I would love any feedback she was willing to provide and she, I think reluctantly at the time, reciprocated. To make a long story short, after a couple of emails back and forth, we knew we were supposed to work together. She has become so much more than an editor and a coach; she has become a dear friend. I’m thankful that she lets me be a part of her life. Thanks, Isabelle.

Editor, coach, mentor… friend

Isabelle: Bruce, when I read your first post, I was taken with your sincerity! Your love for Jesus, and desire to encourage others with His love, was so evident that I could not turn away. I never expected a note of encouragement to build a new friendship, but thank you! I am grateful to have shared this past year with you. You never waver in your transparency, your confession, and your desire to redeem any part of your history, regardless of the topic’s sensitivity or potential discomfort.

You honor your Savior, your lovely wife Sarah, and your children, in all that you do. Thanks for your patience when I can’t find a document in our Dropbox LOL, and for never allowing me to rest in my discovery of the depth and mystery of our Savior. I look forward to the next year as we both grow in our service and relationship to Jesus. My commitment to you is to do whatever I can to encourage others to hang out with you more – as you share how the Love and Person of Jesus are as relevant and true today as ever before.

Hopes and Dreams

Bruce: My hope when I started The Whole Man blog was that it would be a place where men could collaborate, through a community discussion, focused on helping other men find healing and wholeness in Jesus. During the last year, I have had the opportunity to talk with some guys that have been impacted by my writing. It never ceases to amaze me that I get to be a part of what God is doing in others’ lives. Over the last year, there were a couple of times when the possibility arose to collaborate with another guy, who had a ministry or a platform directed at caring for men, but ultimately it was never the right timing. At the same time, I began noticing that while I was intentionally directing my writing toward guys, per my demographics, about 65% of my readers were women.

Back When it was New

Before launching The Whole Man blog, my writing was directed at the Christian community “at large.” I often wrote to The Church with the hope of encouraging it towards love; as in loving God, others, and each other. My blogs were written with the intention of supporting, commending and guiding the fellowship of believers. Occasionally I wrote to those that were not Christians, with the desire to witness to Who Jesus is and His love for them.

Over this past year, I realized that my writing for The Whole Man blog is just one vein of what I desire to write about. My audience has remained consistently 65% women and 35% men. It has become apparent to me, that in at least this season of life, I am supposed to be writing to our church as an all-inclusive community of believers. I look forward to writing directly as the Spirit leads me, speaking on the many topics that impact all of us; regardless of where we are in our journey, who we are, or how we serve.

Starting… again.

fresh startWith that said, I’ll begin making our transition toward blogging at BrucePagano.com. By mid-September, 2016, TWM link will effortlessly redirect you to BP.com. After the transition, I also have some book manuscripts I am working on, and will have chapter previews up soon. Later, I intend to develop the TWM website into a blog-sharing site directed toward guys. However, that is a bit of a ways off. In the meantime, please join me at BrucePagano.com and the podcast, I co-host, The (G)odd Show.

Thanks for all the support at The Whole Man, and I look forward to seeing you at BrucePagano.com!

Isabelle: We have lots of plans for BrucePagano.com and look forward to having you join him. Please feel free to email Bruce with any topics that you would like for him to consider writing about in the future.

photo credit for “fin”: peteevanschefcaricature.ghost.io 
photo credit for “fresh start”: mymentalgamecoach.com

When numbers shouldn’t matter

numbersNumbers matter. In so many areas of our society we watch numbers. We watch our weight, the calories we take in, our profit lines, our budgets, church attendance, our FB friends, twitter followers, and the list goes on. The same mentality applies to blogging. The higher the numbers the more successful we count ourselves. Actually, in the world of publishing, if you want to get a book published by a traditional publisher, your blog numbers matter even more. Most publishers won’t touch you if you are pulling a couple thousand views a day. So for someone that wants to write a book, it’s easy to get hung up on numbers.

At the end of each year I make the same goal, to blog more than I did the previous year. Over the last five years I’ve slowly, but steadily increased the amount that I post. But, this year has been my best yet. In 2014 I posted 36 articles. I wanted to best that this year and so far I have. Since the beginning of the year I’ve posted 49 articles. I’m barely half way through the year and I’ve written 13 more article than I did all last year and I’ve been loving writing this much. But it wasn’t until this past week that I realized it wasn’t the best I have to offer.

I want to be an author. I have at least five book ideas, all of which are in different stages of the writing process. Because I want to be an author, I’ve been researching how to get published and what it takes to build a platform. My original intent in trying to build a platform was to find an audience of peope that care about the message I so deeply believe in. I’ve been really focusing a lot on reading stuff by Jeff Goins, Jon Acuff and Michael Hyatt. They’re all brilliant writers and coaches. One of the things they all talk about, on some level, is the importance of platform building, to which blogging helps in that process. That’s not the only thing, but that’s the thing that was most relevant to where I was at. As I’ve worked on building my blog, I started getting hung up on the numbers. I started to become consumed about my daily views and the number of email followers. Specifically this number:

WP FollowersOn the surface it looks like I have 703 people that care about what I have to say and took the time to sign up to receive my blog by email. That number has increased steadily from about 400, over the last 3 months, so I was stoked. However, over the last few weeks I’ve felt like I needed to change the way that I was delivering my content. Specifically I felt like I needed to separate my writing into blogs that provided a more focused message to those I was trying to serve. But I just couldn’t get passed the growing followership. I had become sort of obsessed with seeing that number grow. But, this last week I learned something that I’ve long suspected to be true; that 703 isn’t an accurate reflection of the audience I’m serving. It’s actually formed from combining my Twitter followers, my FB page likes and in the number of actual email subscribers, which are actually only 10 people. I’ve been putting off improving my blog because I got hung up on a number that wasn’t even real. For that I’m sorry. I’m sorry that what may have been better for the people I’m trying to serve took a back seat to my need to up the number.

As important as numbers are, numbers don’t matter if the ones you’re focused on don’t help you serve those you’re called to. I don’t want to make it sound like I don’t appreciate the 10 legitimate email subscribers I have and the dozens of (maybe hundred or so) people that I know read #ApproachGod. I know those people appreciate what I write. I’ve had people message me and tell me that they were hurt by people in the church and how much they appreciate hearing that Christianity isn’t meant to be like that. It’s because of my readers, the last few months have been far more important to me than all of the other years that I’ve been writing at #ApproachGod. But, because they’re such a small part of that 703, in reality I wasn’t serving them as best as I could because I was focused on 600 people that more than likely don’t care about what I write. You that have committed to this walk with me deserve better from me.

It used to be that I wasn’t sure which direction I should go with my writing and because of that I posted it in the place that was the best fit at the time, #ApproachGod. But that isn’t the case anymore. God has given me some clarity on which way I should be going, but I’ve been procrastinating on listening, because of a number. I’m done with that. I so appreciate those whom made the decision to journey this road with me and I want to give them the best of me and make sure that what I give to them meets their needs in the best way. Because of that I need to refocus what I’m writing and where it shows up. I want to be more cognizant of whom I’m writing to and I want the location to be more strategic in what it provides to the reader.

Over the next couple months I’m going to reorganize my blog writing and launch two, maybe three, additional blogs sites. #ApproachGod will stay, but it will eventually look a lot different. #ApproachGod was never meant to look like it currently does. It was started as a means to provide devotional style content. My main content, essentially everything I’m posting on #ApproachGod, will be moved over to BrucePagano.com. The blog I post on Wednesday will talk about that and what the new sites will be focused on. In the mean time, I’m looking forward to the transition and better serving my audience. If you decide to continue journeying with me I can promise you this, I’ll be more concerned about engaging you as a part of my community than I am in growing with numbers that don’t matter.

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